What are XMP Sidecar Files in Lightroom?
You may have previously heard the term XMP or Sidecar files, but you may not know how handy dandy these little files actually are. The term XMP and Sidecar files are actually synonymous and are in fact just short for the full term XMP Sidecar Files.
XMP files are used to store develop settings for RAW files. With an XMP Sidecar File, RAW files can be passed between software applications, or even two different computers while retaining all the develop settings from Lightroom.
How to Use XMP Files to Transfer Develop Settings Between Applications and Computers in Lightroom
XMP Files are extremely useful. Because RAW files are so large, it is rather cumbersome transferring them back and forth between computers, or individuals. While RAW images can be anywhere from 10 – 30 Megabytes, XMP files are only around 10 Kilobytes. So, they are extremely easy to share and transfer.
So, if two computers or individuals have all the same RAW files, then develop settings can be passed back and forth by simply sharing the XMP Sidecar Files.
In this video, we are going to talk through some of these practical uses for XMP, as well as show you how to save and pass them back and forth so that you can know how to use XMP Sidecar Files whenever it is necessary to aid your workflow.