With so many photographers in the world, it’s easy to feel like a lot of the work we as photographers see on a daily basis is redundant. Enter Von Wong. He does nothing ordinary. I’m at the point where you can show me a Von Wong image and I will probably know it’s his work without you needing to tell me. Just because it is so different in his vision and creativity.
Recently Von Wong teamed up with body painter Michael Rosner for an awesome project. Using a mix of glow-in-the-dark body paint, UV lights, and special UV adapters on his strobes, Von Wong creates truly one of a kind images. Check out the BTS video below. It’s awesome!
Gear Used
Nikon D800E
Nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8
Broncolor Move 1200L Packs
Broncolor Paras
Broncolor UV adapters
UV Lights
Von Wong went with some serious firepower for lighting, breaking out Broncolor Move 1200L Packs bouncing  into Broncolor Paras. The Broncolor UV adapters are important, because they transmit UV light and filter out other wavelengths. He also had some inexpensive continuous UV lights lighting his subjects. The mix of continuous and strobe lights helped him not only light and focus his subjects, it allowed him to shoot at lower shutter speeds (drag the shutter) to add some surreal movement to his images.
Personally for me, these images are amazing!  They’re honestly some of the coolest images I have seen Von Wong, or anyone make for that matter lately. Let’s get real for a second though, and even Von Wong mentions this in the video, the Broncolor UV adapters are extremely expensive. They’re not a piece of gear the average photographer has in their kit. I would have liked to see some images made using just the cheap continuous UV lights to give an example for the average shooter. Either way, the images are still inspiring and really cool.
You can read more over on Von Wong’s blog.
Via: vonwong.com
CREDITS: Photographs by Von Wong have been used with permission for SLR Lounge. Do not copy, modify or re-post this article or images without express permission from SLR Lounge and the artist