How To Add Realistic Bokeh In Photoshop
This is a great way to add more defocus to areas of a photo in post process. It can be made to look very natural, though I always say get it right in camera first.
Make Photoshop Files Viewable On Almost Any Device & Keep Data
Almost all of us use Photoshop, yet the PSD files can't be read by all devices and programs. Here's a tip so that you can maintain all your layers and image data, for editing in PS, and make those files viewable on any device.
UK Intellectual Property Office Responds to Myths About New Act
In case you missed all of the hub bub in the last week over the UK’s new Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act of 2013, at its basic terms it allows for copyright works to be used without the owner’s permission so long as the party using the image does a “diligent” search and tries to find the owner. This new act set off a fire storm of critics, some going as far as to say that this new law effectively abolishes copyright in the UK.