
$15,000 Worth of Gear Stolen From NYC Photogs… By a Fellow Photographer!

Alice Houstons

When one photographer hurts, we all hurt. But when one photographer is hurt by another photographer, we’re enraged! In NYC earlier this year, a group of well-known professional photographers were robbed of $12-$15,000 worth of photography gear directly from their studio… by one of their own!

A photographer taking an image with the reflection of bars in the photography.

What Photo Theft Looks Like & What To Do When It Happens to You!

Alice Houstons

Jason Lanier recently posted a video on what photographers should do when companies steal and use their images without permission from them of their clients. How does he know how to handle this? Because it happened to him, and he fears it’s going to be happening to more and more photographers in the coming future.

Lenstag Releases Infographic Showing The Most Stolen Gear of 2014 & Where It’s Stolen From

Kishore Sawh

Lenstag has just dropped their list of most stolen gear of 2014, and from where it gets stolen, including which cities. Any surprises?