skin tones

Using ColourmapX Plugin To Match Skin Tones SLR Lounge 2000x1333

Quickly Fix Skin Tones In Your Images With ColourmapX

David Crewe

A headache I’ve heard a lot about from retouchers out there when doing portrait work is dealing with skin tones. ...

Camera Calibration Lightroom Panel | Tips For Perfecting Skin Tones, Color Grading & Profile Correction

Kishore Sawh

It's amazing how much one slider can get the look you want, and need.

How To Match Skin Tones In Photoshop

Kishore Sawh

One of the more challenging aspects of editing in post has to be matching skin tones. Getting it done right, without oversaturation, retaining highlights and shadows where they need to be, is an art, and this is a good way to do it.

Standardizing Skin Tone: Angelica Dass Mapping the World’s Human Colors

Tanya Goodall Smith

Angelica Dass is mapping the world's skin tones, one Pantone color at a time, showing that labels such as red, white, brown and yellow are pretty inaccurate ways to define human skin.