frequency separation

Doug 185 W1a crop SideBySide Lead 1

Plagued by Hotspots? Frequency Separation to the Rescue!

Dennis Dunbar

Glaring hot spots can be like the plague when it comes to shooting portraits. All too often the circumstances of ...

Retouching Toolkit 3.1 Review – A Near Perfect Extension For Adobe Photoshop Retouchers

David Crewe

The latest update to the Retouching Toolkit brings some incredible addons, (like the new color wheel), and powerful scripts to an already impressive and full customizable set of tools.

Photoshop & Lightroom | Simple Portrait Retouching From Start To Finish With Julia Trotti

Wendell Weithers

A simple and easy to grasp process if you're intimidated

Frequency Separation | What Is It Really And When Should You Use It?

Wendell Weithers

A quick cover of the everyone's favorite process

Frequency Separation Pitfalls To Avoid | Beware Of Actions & Cautious With Radius

Kishore Sawh

Frequency Separation can go wrong at many points, but these are possibly the two points where the biggest mistakes are made.


The Ultimate Guide To Object Removal In Photoshop [Part 1] | The Clone Stamp Tool & So Much More!

Max Bridge

That's right. It's an ultimate guide! Knowing how to remove objects in Photoshop is a skill we MUST all have. I'd be willing to bet that you don't know all the techniques mentioned in this two-part article.


The Many Faces Of Frequency Separation. Are You Doing It Wrong?

Max Bridge

Frequency separation is an amazing technique for editing skin. Unfortunately, it has been taught incorrectly over the years and things have become a little confused. Hopefully, this will help clarify it!


Removing Tricky Color Casts On Skin + Free Frequency Separation Action

Max Bridge

This fairly simple technique will show you how to remove horrible color casts on skin. Not only that but I've also included a free action for you all. Enjoy!

How To Use The Amazing Patch Tool In Photoshop | Aaron Nace

Kishore Sawh

The Patch Tool in Photoshop is one of the most versatile and easily applicable tools for any field in photography, and Aaron Nace breaks it down for you.

Getting The Commercial Editorial Smooth Hair Look Is Easier Than You Think

Kishore Sawh

We take you through step by step, a highly useful method of smoothing coarse, or unruly hair, and showing you should you can achieve it quickly, and with a commercial look.