A photo of the Las Vegas drone taken by drone photography. Photo by Aldric Rivat

CA Man Fined $20,000 for Drone Footage Over the Las Vegas Strip

Alice Houstons

Some lessons are learned the easy way, and some are learned the hard way. For many drone footage pilots and drone photographers, lessons are learned via a smashed up drone or a drone caught in a tree. But for one unlucky California man, lessons were learned due to breaking some serious FAA drone regulations.

Camera Drones | All You Want, Should, & Need To Know To Start Flying

Brian Mullins

Have you been thinking about getting a drone to help elevate your photography business? I’ve spoken with lots of photographers ...

FAA Drone Regulations Released & How To Register Your Drone

Kishore Sawh

It’s wedding season, and for about two years now a trend that’s been hitting stride in wedding, event, and indeed ...

U.S. Announces Task Force to Create National Drone Registry


By Christmas, all drone owners will be required to register their drones.

Do Not Put Your Lithium ION Batteries In Checked Luggage | New FAA Warning

Kishore Sawh

Next time you fly, remember this warning, and take heed.

FAA: Posting Drone Footage On YouTube = Commercial Use?

Anthony Thurston

Apparently, posting your drone footage to YouTube could constitute flying them commercially, at least if the experience of Jayson Hanes is any indication of the FAA's thoughts.