
On the Other Side of Fear – A Creative Live Podcast With Pye Jirsa

David Crewe

In this episode of We Are Photographers from CreativeLive, Pye explores how he had to lose everything to gain happiness, and he shares personal stories of loss and love, fear and growth.

New Line of Rugged G-Drives | Built To Take A Beating

J. Cassario

Reliable storage and backup solutions aren’t cheap, but at the same time, they fall under the category of you get what you pay for. G-Technology is one of the best in the business and offer a number of different versatile options for photographers as far as storage goes.

Understanding Your Camera’s Drive Modes


Usually, when you press the shutter button on your camera, you take one photo. If you want take another photo, you just press the shutter button again. This is what is known as Single Shot drive mode and it is the default drive mode for all cameras. While this is great when you want to take your time between each shot, but there are also other drive modes that are more specialized for different scenarios.