Help Photographer Spread Plastic Pollution Awareness and Win $10,000

TurnOffThePlasticTap VonWong Final 4

Artist and activist, Benjamin Von Wong, is back with another environmentally-minded project,  Giant Plastic Tap, to bring attention to the global issue of plastic pollution. In an effort to inspire change and slow the production of single-use plastic, which has seen an increase of 250-300% consumption since the start of the pandemic, Von Wong teamed … Read more

Lonely Speck’s PureNight Filter Cuts Through Light Pollution

Light pollution is one of the major challenges that astrophotographers (among others) face. These photographers will drive hours away from major metropolitan areas just to get an unobstructed view of the sky, unfortunately however, the sodium vapor lamps that are used on street lights and industrial lighting fixtures can cause an orange-yellow tint that will … Read more

SmugMug Unveils New Design To Attract Beginners And Pros Alike

This morning SmugMug unveiled their new website, which is a complete top-to-bottom redesign of their entire interface.  You can watch a replay of the live stream by clicking the image below.  (Or, to view another live broadcast that will be a review / demonstration of SmugMug’s new features, click HERE to visit Trey Ratcliff’s separate … Read more

10 Inspirational Photographers | Tuesdays with Lauri

Inspiration is very important to me when I try to come up with new concepts and ideas for my photos. Sometimes taking a look at other photographers and their work can do the trick. That is why, this week, I decided to compile a list of seven great photographers that have inspired me in the past, and will also hopefully inspire you.

Silicon Power Rugged Armored A80 Hard Drive Review: Best Drive for Photographers?

Several months ago, we posted about our purchase of six Silicon Power Rugged Armor A80 USB 3.0 1TB hard drives. So how well did they stand up to the heavy workload of SLR Lounge and Lin and Jirsa Los Angeles Wedding Photography in the long term? Are they the best USB 3.0 portable hard drive for photographers? Check out our video review and read this article to find out.

Removing Water from Underwater Images is Now Possible with Sea-Thru!

Underwater photograph of a turtle by coral. Photo by Mohamed Ahza

This new technology is going to be a game-changer for marine biologists around the world. It’s called Sea-Thru, and it’s an image algorithm that “separates” the water from any underwater image leaving a visually stunning and clear rendition of the marine life oceanographers are trying to capture.