2 Reasons Why You Need to Clean Your Camera Lenses and Sensors for HDR Photography – From the HDR Photography Workshop Series

In this article, we will discuss the importance of cleaning your camera lenses and sensors when shooting HDR photography. Although it is important to have clean lenses and sensors whenever you are shooting, its is especially important in HDR photography since we need to stack multiple images to create the final HDR image.

2 Reasons to Choose DSLRs with Faster Frame Rates for HDR Photography – From the HDR Photography Workshop Series

In a previous article, we discussed the difference between ghosting and motion blur in HDR photography. In this article, we will discuss how a DSLR with a faster frame rate can significantly help reduce ghosting in your HDR images. In addition, a DSLR with a faster frame rate is also incredibly useful in scenes where you cannot use a tripod. The frame rate of your DSLR will have an overall impact on your HDR images. If you are serious about HDR photography and are looking to buy or upgrade to a new DSLR, these 2 reasons should be taken into consideration when purchasing a new DSLR.

Reasons Why You Should Shoot HDR Images at the Lowest Native ISO Setting – From the HDR Photography Workshop Series

In previous tutorials, we discussed what the optimal shutter speed and aperture setting should be when we are shooting HDR photography. Now, we are going to discuss the optimal ISO setting. In HDR photography, we are combing multiple exposures to create one final HDR image. This process of combining exposures automatically creates certain challenges, one being the overall grain in the final HDR image. When you shoot at your camera’s lowest native ISO, you will still see a little bit of grain in your images. Because of this, always keep your ISO at the lowest native ISO on your camera whenever possible. For Canon users, the lowest native ISO is 100. For Nikon users, the lowest native ISO is around 160. In this article, we will discuss reasons why the optimal ISO setting in HDR photography is the lowest native ISO on your camera. In addition, we will also explain what native ISO means.

What is the Optimal Aperture Setting in HDR Photography? – From the HDR Photography Workshop Series

In a previous article, we talked about what the optimal shutter speed is when shooting HDR photography. Now, we are going to discuss the optimal aperture setting in HDR photography. When shooting HDR images, we want to capture as much detail as possible. Each camera lens will have an aperture “sweet spot,” where you can get the most detail and sharpness. However, the lens’s “sweet spot” may not always be the optimal aperture setting when shooting HDR images. In this article, we will discuss what exactly a “sweet spot” is, as well as the general rule of thumb for the optimal aperture setting when shooting HDR photography.

HDR Wedding Photography Tips

When we hear the word “HDR” we often cringe, and it is for good reason. When we hear HDR, we photographers think of fake, candied, overly-processed images with crazy colors, unnatural artifacts, and an over-the-top surreal or even “cartoonish” look to the image. HDR photography involves techniques that require attention to detail in both the … Read more

Documentary Photography for Professionals | Telling Compelling Visual Stories

children in Seville Spain Henri Cartier Bresson 1933

Let’s face it. We’re oversaturated with visuals that are all style and no substance. In the era of ever-increasing visual content, capturing images that not only look pretty but also convey profound narratives is essential. Documentary photography serves as an exceptional medium of storytelling that goes beyond the constraints of mere image capturing. Furthermore, this … Read more

10 Desert Photography Tips for Beautiful Results

incredible vacation photos composition in desert

When properly executed, desert photography can produce some truly gorgeous results. The patterns, colors, and forms of desert landscapes lend themselves well to the art of photography. In order to make the most out of your next trip to the desert, however, you should follow some basic guidelines. That said, here are eight desert photography … Read more