Photography Careers and Business

Resources for running your business

When to Raise Prices | Diana’s Thursday Thoughts

Diana Elizabeth

Raising your rates can be a difficult decision - when to do it, what is fair enough to charge, and will anyone think you're worth it? The rates you set for portraits and wedding coverage matters. Each check goes into the end of the year money bucket which is basically, what you'll be making annually as a full-time photographer. Taking that into consideration, it's important to price your services in hopes that you book enough to make a decent living.

How to Get Your Photography Published and Featured on Blogs

Diana Elizabeth

Getting published on popular wedding blogs can attract brides who want their own weddings published on a blog (they are often the creative brides as well). It also gives you publicity, and for some photographers, it’s a badge of honor.


5 Ways to Keep Costs Down When Creating a New Photography Studio

Becky Wilcox

When starting a new freelance photography business, it is a good idea to do your best in creating a professional studio without spending a lot of money up front. In this article, I will write about 5 tips to help keep costs down where possible.


Real Life Example: Pricing & Negotiating a Commercial Job


One of the hardest skill to learn as an aspiring commercial or editorial photographer is how to properly negotiate for ...


The Current State of the Wedding Photography Industry – by Kevin Weinstein


Kevin Weinstein Photography wrote a recent article on the State of the Wedding Photography Industry. His article is not only an interesting read, it is also completely accurate as to the current state of not only the wedding photography industry, but the photography industry in general. So, we wanted to feature Kevin's article on SLR Lounge for everyone to read, and discuss.

Side Tab WordPress Plugin | Free SLR Lounge Download


The "Side Tab" Wordpress plugin is designed to solve this very problem by inserting up to 3 tabs that are affixed to the left side of your website. These tabs use jQuery to slide open when your user hovers his or her mouse over the tab.


How to Transfer your Hosting to Bluehost

Alice Houstons

Some of you may feel as married to your hosting as you are to your Camera brand, as the transfer ...

The Free Best Photography WordPress Themes

Alice Houstons

In the digital age, a photographer’s portfolio is often the first impression they make on potential clients. The right WordPress ...

Wallpapers – “The Urban Triplets” – January 2010


"The Urban Triplets" is our shot of the month for January 2010. I (Pye) shot this image while in Canton, China shooting a Chinese wedding back in 2008. As many of you know, I speak Cantonese/Mandarin, so I was able to turn my work trip into a vacation as well.

Website Tools – Part 1 of 3 – “The Photo Stack” – A One Button SEO Ready Landing Page CSS Template


Your landing page is not only the first thing clients see, it is also the first thing search engines see! ...

3 Site Simplistic Editable CSS Splash Page Template Version 1


Most photographers have at least 2 sites (a portfolio and blog) if not more. Thus, our websites require a splash/portal ...

Business – Top Photographs Clients Purchase as Prints


It is safe to assume everyone reading this is a photographer of some sort or another, whether professional or a ...

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