As an Educator, Should You Attend Kajabi Hero Live?

Pye Jirsa

Updated on:

Kajabi Hero Live wide shot of conference

Should you attend Kajabi Hero Live? Is it worth attending as a conference for educators and coaches? I know this is a bit different than the typical SLR Lounge article on photography, but as an educator who just attended KHL 2023, I wanted to share my experience with you.

Let’s start with the big question.

Is Kajabi Hero Live Worth the Price of Admission?

With regular prices at $597 and VIP admission prices at $1,297, tickets aren’t cheap.

On top of that, you actually have to be a paying Kajabi customer as well just to be eligible to get those tickets. So, let’s answer the first question that’s probably on your mind: “Is Kajabi Hero Live worth attending?”


If you’re an online educator or coach, I would go further to say it’s one of the best conferences I’ve ever attended.

I would also suggest that you purchase the VIP ticket since it gives you special access to additional education, events, and even meals. I would say, however, that its true value is in the access you get to networking, which we’ll discuss more down below.

That said, knowing it’s worth learning about, why don’t we talk about the next most important question:

“What in the world is Kajabi Hero Live?” LOL

What Is Kajabi Hero Live?

I’m going to start with the technical explanation and then share with you my thoughts on “What is Kajabi Hero Live?”

KHL or Kajabi Hero Live is an annual conference held by Kajabi, the educational platform that we use to host SLR Lounge Workshops. I believe KHL 2023 was the first time they’ve been back since the pandemic, but I imagine they’ll hold these conferences annually moving forward.

The conference is an in-person event held for Kajabi customers AKA “Heroes.” In their own words,

“Kajabi Hero Live is a 3-day live event jam-packed with expert keynote sessions, endless networking opportunities, and first looks at our newest features.”

I would most certainly agree.

But here’s what Kajabi Hero Live was for me.

What I Took from Kajabi Hero Live

For me, KHL 2023 was an opportunity to be inspired by like-minded educators who are OPEN and LOOKING to collaborate.

It wasn’t just an opportunity to “network.” It was a place where other educators were looking to share ideas and thoughts with a level of transparency that I’d never seen before. It’s hard to overstate that part of the experience, but I’ll try to help you understand what I mean.

Within the world of photography/videography conferences (or the events I’ve attended over the past decade), I’ve always found the communities to be helpful, but also a bit reserved. People within the creative spaces often tend to hold back information for fear of “someone stealing their secrets” or maybe even coming off as braggadocios. In other words, those who are successful tend to hide their success because there are so many “starving artists” who might criticize them.

KHL 2023 was the exact opposite, to the point where at first it was almost jarring.

I attended KHL with my friend Matt Oyakawa (an up-and-coming coach in the space of Creative Direction).

I’m not going to lie. Our first night there, we were shocked at how everyone was openly sharing their business revenues and successes. At first, it felt like everyone was bragging. But after the first day of the event, we realized something…

WE WERE WRONG! Grossly wrong!

People weren’t sharing because they wanted to brag (well, maybe some were). For the most part, they were all sharing because they wanted to be open and transparent about where they were, and who best they could collaborate with. They were looking to form little mastermind groups with other attendees that were around the same level in their business.

When we got into these masterminds, I was blown away.

Everyone was sharing ideas and “secrets” with complete transparency. It’s as if each person was unified in their goals, which I would say included…

  • Learning and being inspired by others
  • Sharing and helping to inspire others

Oh, and I know how I sound while writing this.

I know I sound like I just joined an educational cult or something. I promise Kajabi Hero Live is not a cult. But I am lol-ing that this line is even in this article.

I’m a fan because I know just how difficult it is to create events where everyone is of the same mind and mission.

When it comes to KHL, Imagine being in a room filled with the best educators and thought leaders in the world, all of them ready and happy to openly collaborate.

Kajabi has done this, and it’s made me a fan of this event for life (assuming it doesn’t change).

Highlights of the Event

I want to give you a concrete idea of my highlights from the event. I’m going to list them all in bullet point form, in the order of my perceived value, and then I’ll expand on each one below:

  • Collaborative networking with peers
  • Open discussions with thought leaders
  • Direct consults with the Kajabi team
  • Keynote Lectures

Collaborative Networking

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By far, the most valuable part of the experience was the people I met during the event. I’ve expanded my mastermind group with at least 5 additional people who are incredible at what they do. While I’m good with organic content and marketing, these individuals excel at traditional and paid media. Not only did we share ideas at the event, but we’ve also been collaborating since the event.

Open Discussions with Thought Leaders

The VIP ticket includes special lunch events where you get to sit in a large room with industry leaders like Brenden Burchard and Ali Abdaal. During these times, you’re free to ask questions in a large round-table-style environment.

While the keynotes were good, I found these large-format discussions to be even better!

One of my favorite parts of the event was being able to sit down with Ali Abdaal and chat about life and business. He is someone that I look up to and admire, and it was amazing to see just how approachable and helpful he is.

Side note, if you’re looking for the BEST education on YouTube and content creation, I’d suggest you take a look at Part-Time YouTube Academy. I’ve been creating content for over a decade and have millions of followers across platforms, and yet looking at Ali and his program I can say this…

There are levels to this game!

Ali is at that next level and I’m absolutely stoked to be learning from him with his program.

Direct Consults with the Kajabi Team

During the conference, I spent an hour with Will on the Kajabi team. That time was amazing as well.

Kajabi offers a lot, and I mean A LOT, of features.

The time I spent consulting with Will and the Kajabi team was an opportunity for me to see how I could do things better, and believe me, there was plenty!

If you attend Kajabi Hero Live, make sure you take advantage of the consulting time. It’s included!

Keynote Lectures

The lectures were all decent. I’ve been in the online education space for a bit, so I wasn’t expecting much to apply to where we are on our journey. However, if you’re relatively new to online education, you’re going to absolutely love EVERY lecture. Kajabi doesn’t allow speakers to “sell” within their content, which made the experience wonderful. I wish all conferences would do this.

That said, as someone more experienced in the space, there were two keynote lectures that stood out.

Brendon Burchard’s was the first. Duh…

Brendon needs no introduction from me, but I’ll say this. If you want to be an educator/coach/leader, you’ll definitely want to check out his NYT bestselling books and coaching programs.

Brendon’s lecture was both inspirational and informative.

But if I’m honest, Ali Abdaal’s lecture took the cake in my book.

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Ali’s lecture was 90 minutes of jam-packed TACTICAL information on HOW he does what he does. If I’m honest, I’ve never seen someone share so much valuable knowledge in a lecture EVER! Because most people would be afraid to do so, they would think…

“If I share everything, nobody will want more.”

Ali came at his lecture from a mindset that I similarly share:

“Share everything, because there’s so much more to learn.”

His lecture was by and far the MOST VALUABLE lecture I’ve ever seen at a conference. Because of that, it’s made me want to dive further into virtually every book and program that he has to offer. Oh, and he’s working on a book at the moment, which I can’t wait to get my hands on!

Ok, that’s enough fan-boying.

Conclusion, Should You Attend Kajabi Hero Live?



I’m hoping that this conclusion has already written itself in the book-of-an-article above, haha! If you have an opportunity to attend KHL 2024 or any other event they hold, JUMP ON IT!

When you see me there, make sure to say hi!

If you have any other questions or thoughts, hit me up! Happy to help.


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